Intramural Policies


The purpose of Intramural Sports is to provide recreational and employment opportunities that will advance leadership, sportsmanship, and team-building skills for students at Georgia College. 


1. Go to and click Create Account, join team, create team, or free agent.  (Click sign up if prompted) 
2. Enter your information and use your school email and submit. 
3. You will be sent an activation email, click the link in the email to login and activate your IMLeagues account. 
Once you have an account you have several options: 
1.  Click the "Georgia College" tab or RecSports to find out what Intramural and Club Sports are being offered 
2. Click the sport/league you would like to sign up for 
2.  Use the Green Player Sign Up button (located at the top right) to Create Teams, Join Teams, or Become a Free Agent.  Once you click the button scroll down to the sport and league you are interested in. 


All intramural participants will be required to create an account and sign up on Participants must bring a Valid ID prior to each competition. Current fee-paying students, WRC community members, faculty & staff (must have a WRC membership to play indoor intramurals) are eligible to play in intramural programs.  


1. Someone who has paid dues to a club this academic year or played in a game this year 
2. Someone who has played in a game last academic year and 1 practice this year 
3. Someone who has practiced with a club 3 or more times
4.  Someone who travels with the club to a tournament whether they participate or not

These are not club players: 

1. Players that have only practiced twice (2) with a club that have not paid dues or played in a game. 

NOTE: if a player pays dues or plays in a game this year, he/she becomes defined as a club player. 


Sports with four or more players on the playing surface at a time - 2 club players on the roster 

Sports with three or less players on the playing surface at a time- 1 club player on the roster 


A community member is defined as someone who at the time of the game is currently paying a $50 membership a month to the WRC and purchases a player pass.  Community Members must be preapproved by or prior to joining a team. 
Teams may have a max of 2 community members on the roster for all sports that have 4 or more on the playing surface 

Teams may have a max of 1 community member on the roster for all sports that have 3 or fewer active players on the playing surface.    

Free Agents

You can list yourself as a free agent in as many divisions within a league as you would like. You will be visible to all members of the site and can request to join teams, or post information about yourself so teams can request to add you to their team. 


To participate in Intramural Sports, you must purchase a Player Pass Package. 

Fall Player Pass Package - $15       

Spring Player Pass Package - $15 

All Year Player Pass - $25 


All Player Pass payments, fines and fees must be made online on Refunds are considered on a case-by-case basis. 


If an organization is to be successful in intramural sports competitions, a good team captain is essential. Matters affecting his/her team are communicated through him/her, and the captain, in turn, is responsible for passing the information on to the team members. Each captain will act as the official liaison between the team and the Wellness and Recreation Staff and must maintain direct contact to ensure proper communication. The duties of a team captain include but are not limited to: 

  • Being familiar with all policy and procedures included in this handbook and communicating this information to all team members. 
  • Ensure that all members of the team are eligible for every contest in which they participate.  
  • Notifying the members of the team regarding date, time, and location of contests. 
  • Attending mandatory meetings for captains as scheduled. 
  • Familiarize your team members with the Sportsmanship Policy.    
  • Verify the scores entered on IMLeagues and dispute any errors by notifying within 24 hours 
  • Captains must invite/accept all team/potential members on the roster or turn on auto accept member requests 
  • Captains must inform all team/potential members that they must have an IMLeagues account, and they must request to join the team and/or accept a team invitation to be eligible to play. 


Requests for the preferred game times and date will be considered but not guaranteed. If available, some leagues will be able to select time preferences upon team registration on IMLeagues. On IMLeagues, there is a section called "Time Preferences" and it will be available for editing until the schedule is made. It can be found under "Team Options" on the left side of the team page (team captain's page only). 

Regular Season Scheduling 
All scheduling for each sport will be posted through Captains/teams are responsible for keeping up with scheduling changes in advance. Captains will be informed if their team’s game/games have been moved up to an earlier playing date or time.  

*If your opponent defaults against you or is banned from the league, Wellness and Recreation Staff will attempt to find replacement games for you at the same time spots. If a replacement is found, then you will get the win for the default, plus the result of the new game.  

League Sports 
Major sports are scheduled in Men’s, Women’s, and Coed leagues which consist of a regular season followed by playoffs. Each league will have a guaranteed number of games plus playoffs. 

Playoff schedules are not subject to be rescheduled. Playoffs will consist of a single elimination tournament per league. Every team makes the playoffs if the following requirements are met: 

  • 3.0 average sportsmanship rating. 
  • All fees and/or fines have been paid.
  • Less than 1 forfeit or less than 2 defaults 

During playoffs, if a team scores a sportsmanship rating between a 2.9 and 2.5, they will owe a team fine of $10 before any participant on the team can play in any other intramural event. If a team scores below a 2.5 sportsmanship rating during a playoff game, they must pay a team fine of $25 before any participant on the team can play in any other intramural event. 


If you have an issue with a game, you have four options. You can request a reschedule, default, late default, or forfeit. 


To request a reschedule, teams must email the day before the game. The only same day reschedule we will consider is that the same group of players have another game at the same time 
*We cannot accommodate work, socials, parties, concerts, braves games, family game night, trivia, "were all going out", the xyz tv show is on, etc.* 



A default means your team sends an email to by 12PM the day of the game stating your team will not be able to make it. If your team defaults, there is no fee. 


A late default means your team sends an email to between 12PM and 4PM the day of the game stating your team will not be able to make it. If your team late defaults, there is a $5 team fee. 


A forfeit means your team does not show up to the game. NOTE: Everyone on your team will be suspended from all intramural sports until a $10 or $25 team fine is paid. 

$10 Forfeit Sports: Two or fewer players per team on the playing surface at a time. 

*All other sports are $25 for a forfeit* 

Forfeiting Extension Agreement 

The opposing team’s captain can wait 10 minutes for the other team’s participants to arrive or take the forfeit at the game start time. The clock will begin running at the scheduled game time regardless. If a team decides to wait ten minutes, then that ten minutes is deducted from game time. If the other team shows up and the game is played, the result of the game is final. The team that chose to wait does NOT have the option to retroactively receive a win for the forfeit. 

League Buy Back Option 

If a team forfeits and still wants to be eligible to participate in that league's season, they must email and request the additional $25 league buy back option. The original forfeit fee still must be paid. 


Cancellations made due to inclement weather are made to protect the safety of the participants and the condition of the playing fields. Decisions concerning the cancellation of games due to inclement weather will be made as soon as possible on the day of scheduled games. Cancellations of games will be sent out via IMLeagues email and on our Instagram: @gcwellnessrec. Team captains and participants are encouraged to check these sources regularly throughout the day leading up to their games for the status of their game(s). 

NOTE: If one game is canceled this does not mean all following games will likewise be canceled. 


Good sportsmanship is a basic requirement during intramural activities. Failure to display an acceptable degree of sportsmanship will render a participant ineligible for further participation in any given sport. Sportsmanship issues will be handled on a case-by-case basis. 

After each game, both teams will be given a sportsmanship rating by the officials, scorekeepers, and supervisors. This is on a scale of 0.0 to 4.0, with the best sportsmanship being 4.0. This is based on the attitude and sportsmanship of the players, fans, and coaches before, during, and after the game towards other players, fans, coaches, and officials. A team's average rating for all regular season games must be at least 3.0 to be eligible for playoffs. During the playoffs, teams are expected to show proper sportsmanship and will be held to the same standards as they are during the regular season. Therefore, if a team receives a sportsmanship rating below a 2.5 in any playoff game, they will owe a $25 fine. All participants on the team roster are suspended from all intramural activities until the fine is paid. 

Instances that automatically decrease your sportsmanship rating: 

  • Physically abusing an opponent, official, scorekeeper, or supervisor is an automatic sportsmanship rating of 0 
  • Unsportsmanlike penalty in flag football -1 point 

  • Unsporting Technical foul in basketball -1 point 

  • Unsporting Yellow/red card in soccer -1 point 

  • Verbal abuse of an opponent, official, scorekeeper, or supervisor -1 point 

  • Leaving the bench area to enter an altercation -1 point 

  • Verbally threatening an opponent, official, scorekeeper, or supervisor -1 point 

  • Leaving trash on/around the field/court -1 point 

  • Excessive complaining about judgment calls -1 point  

  • Fans, Spectators, and/or Coaches displaying unsporting behavior and/or excessive complaining about judgment calls -1 point 

  • Making a mockery of the game -1 point 

Any person within 50 feet of your bench is considered a part of your team and will affect your sportsmanship. If someone is not with your team, then you must ask them to get more than 50 feet from your bench. If they refuse, then call time out and tell the ref to ask them to move (you will not be charged a timeout). Once an unsporting event occurs it is too late to say that they are not with us. 


Any player, coach, or spectator who is ejected from an intramural contest for any reason is automatically suspended from all intramural sports activities until they are officially reinstated by the Associate/Director of Wellness and Recreation. An ejected player must leave the premises immediately. If an ejected player does not leave immediately, then his/her team will be forfeited from the game in progress and campus police will be contacted. 

Suspension and Meeting 

Every participant who is ejected or suspended owes a non-negotiable $25 fine. An ejected person must schedule an appointment to meet with the Associate/Director of Wellness and Recreation. The suspension period for anyone suspended from an intramural sports activity shall be determined by the Associate/Director of Wellness and Recreation upon review of the incident. Please be aware that the period of suspension for an ejected player will not begin until the ejected person has met with the Associate/Director of Wellness and Recreation. 


1. All protests, except those concerning eligibility, must be made on the field of play to the official. The protest must be made at the time of the occurrence. Once the play has resumed, the protest will not be valid. 
2. There shall be no protests on judgment calls. All protests must deal with the interpretation of a rule or enforcement of a penalty for the infraction of those rules, or player ineligibility. 
3. All protests must be made by the team captain, at the time of protest, to the intramural official(s) at the contest. The official is responsible for notifying the Intramural Supervisor of the intent to protest. 
4. Intramural Supervisor will rule on all protest, (unless professional staff are present). If a team loses the protest, they will be charged a timeout/penalty if rules apply for that sport. 


In keeping with the alcohol policy of GCSU, alcoholic beverages will not be allowed at any program or activity sponsored by Wellness and Recreation. This policy applies to all intramural sports participants, as well as coaches and spectators. Any participant or spectator who is under the influence of alcohol will not be allowed to participate in any intramural sports activity and will be required to leave the facility immediately. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action. The supervisor and/or game officials will have the responsibility and authority to decide on participation by a participant or spectator. 


Pets are allowed at the intramural fields during intramural events. Pets will not, however, be allowed on the fields during any contest and must remain outside of the field fences. Pet owners must always keep their pet on a leash. All pets must have vaccination records and a tag on their collar saying the date of vaccination. Any pet that becomes a disturbance to participants, staff, or fans will be asked to leave the facility. Owners of the dog are asked to clean up after their pets. The Intramural Staff has the right to revoke and terminate this policy at any point in time. 


Participation in activities offered by the Office of Wellness and Recreation provides assorted opportunities for participation in state, regional, and national tournaments. These tournaments allow participants from GCSU to compete against other intramural teams on the state, regional, and national levels and to represent GCSU at various extramural events. Thus, it is important to remember that participation and behavior at these events is representative of GCSU and the sportsmanship displayed should reflect the program represented. Any instance of poor sportsmanship by an individual or team representing GCSU will not be tolerated and will result in participation sanctions for that individual or team within the intramural program at GCSU, in addition to any sanctions imposed at the extramural event. Anyone ejected from play during the current intramural season or currently on probation may be subject to restriction from competition at extramural events. 

No teams other than the GC sponsored teams will be allowed to enter state, regional, or national tournaments. Any team which qualifies to participate in a state, regional, or national tournament will have their entry fee and any individual player fee paid for by the Office of Wellness and Recreation. Also, they will be allowed a stipend (to be determined by the Dir./Asst. Dir of Wellness and Recreation) to help offset travel, meals, and lodging. For more information, contact the Office of Wellness and Recreation. 


Teams and individuals that owe fees or fines will be suspended from all sports until the amount owed is paid. All fees must be paid online at unless otherwise specified. If you owe money for one team, you cannot play for another team in the same or any other different sport. 

Team Fines - Paid by the team. Only the captain can pay this fine; all players can see the fine. 

• $25 Forfeit Fine. Must be paid before the next game. If not paid before the first game, the fine will be doubled.  
• $50 Ineligible Participant fine. Participants found playing without a Player Pass or checking in as another person are considered ineligible. Teams with ineligible participants are also subject to a forfeit. 
• $10 Meeting No Show Fine. Must be paid before a team’s first game. 
• $25 Playoff Sportsmanship below 2.5 

Individual Fines - Paid by individual player 

• $25 Participant Reinstatement Fine from ejection 


Championship T-shirts will be given to the winners of each sport/event offered. Only one shirt will be awarded per person per sport despite winning more than one championship. 

State tournament entry fees and hotel accommodations will be awarded (at the discretion of the Associate Director of Wellness and Recreation) to intramural champions or winners of a state qualifying tournament: 

  • Top Bracket League Winner/ Play-In Tournament Winner: 
  • Men’s, Women’s and CoRec Flag Football 
  • Men’s and Women’s Basketball